Aug 19Liked by Steve Bloom

Hemingway would be proud! Moral of the story which I learned clad in pink, from a grand old Nbk institution: Don't collect boxes! Miss you! Give Cornelia my love!

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Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. Somebody said that. But you... you *meant* it!

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La cucaracha! Formidable!

I laughed, I cried, I nearly died. Just picturing the vacuum bits falling into the abyss left me howling in sympathy over similar incidents in my life. "What just happened???"

Years ago I was waiting for a connecting flight out of Hawaii's Kona airport. I was standing on a low retainer wall to get a better view of paradise, when I looked down and saw a cockroach waaay bigger than you describe. I quickly put my foot on it, flexed and rotated the appendage for maximal mortar and pestle effect, but to no avail. The rocky uneven surface of the retaining wall was enough for the monster to wiggle out from beneath my dancing shoe, and off it went, to foment another 320 million years of evolutionary perfection.

Continue to believe in the ability of your new vacuum to keep you safe. The illusion is all we have. . .

Also, if it hisses at you, you can keep it as a pet

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Thanks so much for reading!! Hoping to not have any new pets.

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